Kinsta WordPress Managed Hosting Review: What it has for you?

July 11, 2018


Kinsta is a premium fully managed WordPress hosting platform that aims to ensure speed, security, and stability for its clients. The company takes pride in the cutting-edge technology it has been built upon that helps it deliver complete reliability towards its clients.

kinsta review

Kinsta is the first to be exclusively powered by Google Cloud platform while utilizing an isolated container system. It keeps in pace with the industry standards by using the most advanced technologies and software in its system.

Kinsta Media

Client’s such as Ubisoft, Intuit and Ricoh have been making use of Kinsta’s hosting services that provides a lot many features for both personal and corporate websites.


Here are a few features you can make use of for your website:

MyKinsta – a comprehensive site management solution

Kinsta Web Host

MyKinsta is the alternative to the popularly used c-Panel system used by most hosting providers that Kinsta has created from scratch for its users. It aims to provide a one-stop for website management by addressing the problems faced by users using cPanel. Improving the cPanel system, Kinsta has added features that are more pertinent to WordPress. With the following features, MyKinsta has made website management much easier for its clients:

  • Comprehensive dashboard overview
  • Straightforward backup management and restoration
  • Premium DNS management
  • Performance monitoring
  • Actionable traffic and bandwidth analytics
  • Easy-to-use staging environments
  • 24×7 ticket and chat support
  • One-click free SSL integration

The sleek design with the loaded functionality makes it very suitable for clients to use.

Speed Obsessive Architecture

Powered by the Google Cloud platform, Kinsta boasts extensively about its fast and reliable service. It uses state-of-the-art technology like Nginx, PHP 7, LXD containers and MariaDB to make sure there is the minimal lag in loading websites. The high-end technology allows it to provide complete resource isolation, automatic scalability, and high availability.

High Network Security

Kinsta follows strict and advanced security standards in maintaining online security for websites. The company takes an active and passive measure to reduce external threats. Measures include continuous monitoring for uptime, DDoS attack detection, malware scanning, SSL support and hardware firewalls. These features make it one of the most secure platforms for its users.

Next-generation infrastructure

Kinsta’s systems are up to date with the latest developmental frameworks while the company has the best infrastructure at the place to support for all development stacks.

Google Cloud Platform

The large network of Google Cloud data centers that are spread across 16 different countries is what sets Kinsta apart from other hosting providers. The network of data centers is designed to minimize distance and packet hops, resulting in a fast and secure transport of your data.

Free site migrations

Kinsta provides free migration to its platform from any other hosting platform. It ensures no downtime during migration while everything is taken care of by the migration team. Moreover, Kinsta assigns a temporary domain to your migrated site and ensures complete functionality of the website before going live.

Uptime checks

Kinsta frequently checks your website every 5 minutes to make sure it’s up and running. This allows the company to be proactive in reacting to issues before they affect a large number of visitors.

Always backed up

The company also automatically backs up all websites on a daily basis. This ensures that the development efforts of users are preserved. In case of any issues, the websites can be easily recovered using recent backups.

Automatic scaling

Utilizing the power of the Google Cloud platform, Kinsta is able to provide its users with the ability to scale the services they are receiving according to their needs. Moreover, Kinsta’s technology helps it handle the unpredicted increase in traffic for websites.

Hack Guarantee

Kinsta takes preemptive measures to prevent any hacking attempts on your website by always looking out for suspicious activity throughout the network. In case, your website is hacked, the team promises to recover the website with instant priority to prevent any loss.

Strong Customer Support

Active customer support is the most celebrated service provided by the company. Their support allows customers to seek help from WordPress professionals who can help in troubleshooting, server maintenance, theme, and plugin building.

Kinsta prides its 24/7 support and 100% problem resolution rate in solving customer problems ranging from downtime to hacking issues. Moreover, to increase customer support, the company goes through frequent and rigorous checking of its systems to ensure reliability.

Choose your data center

Kinsta offers its customer to choose data centers that are more geographically closer to their website users. This ensures low latency rates by decreasing the number of packet hops ensuring that users get the best experience from your website. Users can choose from data centers located at 16 different locations that are widespread all over the world.

One-click development sites

The company provides independent staging environment for each WordPress install allowing developers to test their websites before publishing. The websites can be easily published by a single click once all development and testing is complete.


To make the platform more friendly for WordPress developers, the platform offers full support of tools such as Git, WP-CLI, and SSH. Furthermore, the latest supported versions of PHP 5.6, 7, 7.1, and 7.2 can easily be enabled with a single-click from within the MyKinsta dashboard. Developers also have the freedom to use their own custom plugins on the platform.

In a nutshell…

With all the extensive features and user-friendly interface, the platform surely provides a complete premium quality solution for WordPress hosting. Whether you aim to use Kinsta for personal or professional use, the service identifies and successfully addresses the needs of all sorts of clients. The top-notch security and immense developer support with all other features combined undoubtedly make Kinsta the best WordPress hosting service yet available.

Try Kinsta Today!