WordPress is used by millions of websites, blogs and online communities around the world. If you check our products, you could see, we are also powered by self-hosted WordPress. Anyway, popular magazine blogs are also powered by WordPress.
When we talk about magazine blogs, there will be a lot of authors working there. It is called multi-author blogs. According to the single-author blogs, multi-author ones will be more productive.
For tracking the author’s performance and finding out which author receives the most clicks, visits from the search engines, we have a solution for you.
In this post, we are going to show you how can you track authors on WordPress using the MonsterInsights WordPress plugin!
How To Track Authors On WordPress
The first thing you need to do is, install and activate the premium version of MonsterInsights on your blog. If you haven’t got the premium one, you can purchase it from here.
You need the Pro or Agency plan for the author tracking feature. Purchases can be handled with your Credit Card or PayPal account.
Once you got purchased the plugin, simply login to it, download the MonsterInsights premium plugin. Activate it on your WordPress blog and verify it using the license key.

After verifying, you will get access to their addons. Under MonsterInsights plugin settings, you could see the addons section. From there, install and activate the Dimensions addon on your blog.
Authenticate the plugin with your Google Analytics property. This way, you can see the stats right on your WordPress dashboard. After that, go to the tracking section. Since we have enabled the Dimensions addon, there will be a configuration for adding custom dimensions.

Click on the add new custom dimension button. You will be redirected to a page where you can create new dimensions.
From the dropdown, choose the author. Leave the ID. And save the changes by clicking the button.

We have almost dome with our MonsterInsights configuration. The next thing we need to do is with the Google Analytics property. Log in to your Google Analytics account.

You will redirected to the property dashboard. From the left side, you can access the property admin settings.

Under the Custom Definitions section, you can see the Custom Dimensions option. Click on the new custom dimension button.

A form will be there. Just like we did in the MonsterInsights, enter the Author in the type field and click on the create button. You don’t want to change or modify any other settings.
The system will give you a custom index number.

In our case, that’s two. Copy the index number, paste it in the MonsterInsights author dimension settings.

Save the changes.
We have completely done with the author tracking configuration. Now, let’s see how we can pull a custom report based on the author’s dimension.
In your Google Analytics property dashboard, you could see the custom report section under customization.

Name your report, choose the metric groups you wanted to see. Then, in the Dimension Drilldown settings, add the author dimension.
The system will generate a report based on this configuration.

You can add the Author as the secondary dimension for a more detailed report.

It will generate a completely new author report on the screen.

Simple, huh?
This is how you can enable author tracking on WordPress. As you can see above, without writing a single line of code, we can track every author on our blog.
If you have any doubts, you can comment below or contact the MonsterInsights team.
Download MonsterInsights
We hope you found this post helpful and learned how you can set up author tracking on WordPress. If you did, please consider sharing this post with your friends and fellow bloggers on social media.
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